Dramaturgy, Exhibited Works, and Installations

Performance presented at Aluna Theatre’s Caminos: A festival of New Performance Works, in partnership with Native Earth Performing Arts (Toronto).
This piece reflects on t
Creative Team: Sebastian Oreamuno (dancer), Juan Pablo Pinto (choreographer), Brigid Burke (dramaturgy), Nadine Ryan (dramaturgy and photography), Magda Arturo (photography, visual arts and projection), Tal Davidson (music).

Installation in collaboration with Sebastian Oreamuno for
Frequencies|Patterning: Interconnectivity and Networked Temporality
Sponsored by Sensorium: Centre for Digital Arts and Technology (Toronto).

Siyám Smánit
Photography exhibited for Beyond the Lens: Photography in Action York University’s Anthropology Students’ Association exhibition (Toronto).

Love is all you need
Photography exhibited at Adelaide Law School exhibition: Images of Justice (Adelaide, AU).
Photographic Publications
2019 Interior image, object photo.
In: Evans, Meredith and Ryan, Nadine. 2019. “Editorial Note.” In Contingent Horizons: The York University Student Journal of Anthropology, 5(1) Toronto ON.
2019 Promotional photo, dancer.
For: “Fragmentos.” 2019. Aluna Theatre’s Caminos: A festival of New Performance Works. Toronto ON.
2019 Interior image, dancer.
In: Oreamuno, Sebastian. 2019. “The Boy with the Dancified Body: An ‘Automythnography.’” In Performance Matters, 5(1). Toronto ON.
2018 Cover photo, and interior images.
In: Evans, Meredith, Ryan, Nadine, and Yoshi, Vishwaveda Eds. 2018. Contingent Horizons: The York University Student Journal of Anthropology, 4(1). Toronto ON.
2018 Interior images, primates as well as cultural and archaeological sites.
In: Muckle, R.J. and Toubelle Gonzolás, Laura. 2018. Through the Lens of Anthropology: An Introduction to Human Evolution and Culture 2ed. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
2015 Interior images, primates as well as cultural and archaeological sites.
In: Muckle, R.J. and Toubelle Gonzolás, Laura. 2015. Through the Lens of Anthropology: An Introduction to Human Evolution and Culture. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
2014 Cover photo, and interior images of archaeological sites and fieldwork.
In: Muckle, R.J. 2014. Introducing Archaeology 2nd ed. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
2014 Interior image, documented archaeological fieldwork.
In: Muckle, R.J. 2014. The First Nations of British Columbia: An Anthropological Overview 3rd ed. Vancouver BC: UBC Press.
2014 Interior image, archaeological fieldwork.
In: Muckle, R.J. 2014. “Recent Research and Emerging Interests in Archaeology.” In Teaching Anthropology. 20(1). 22-26.
2013-14 Feature image, snow.
Barbiaux, John. 2013-14. “Seasons.”
2013 Interior image, archaeological lab analysis.
In: Muckle, R.J. 2013. “Archaeology of a Japanese camp in the forests of North Vancouver: The 2013 Capilano University archaeology field school” in The Midden, 45(2), 6-8.
2013 Interior image, waste audit project.
In: Muckle, R.J. 2013. “On Reducing the Ecological Footprint of Archaeological Fieldwork.” In Anthropology News.